
About us

We are a group of professionals concerned with desertification, that we want to combat from its origins: increasing infiltration and vegetal cover, and reducing the hydric erosion, this is: oasificating the territory.


Andrés Martínez de Azagra Paredes. Doctor Forestry Engineer. Programmer. Professor of Hydraulics, Forestry Hydrology and Hydrologic Models. E.T.S. of Agroforestry Engineering in Palencia (University of Valladolid). Spain.

Andrés Martínez de Azagra Paredes
Leopoldo Rojo Serrano

Leopoldo Rojo Serrano. Doctor Forestry Engineer. Service Chief. Coordinator of the Program of National Action against Desertification. Ministry of Environment. Spain.

Jorge Mongil Manso. Doctor Forestry Engineer. Teacher of Hydrology and Soil Conservation. Catholic University of Avila. Spain.

Jorge Mongil Manso
Jorge del Río San José

Jorge del Río San José. Forestry Engineer. Original promotor of this web site. Territorial Service of the Environment of Valladolid. Regional Government of Castilla y León. Spain.

Valentín Pando Fernández. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (speciality of Statistics). Teacher of Mathematics and Statistics. E.T.S. of Agroforestry Engineering in Palencia (University of Valladolid). Spain.

Valentín Pando Fernández
Jose Miguel Hospital Villacorta

José Miguel Hospital Villacorta. Forestry Technical Engineer. Programmer. E.T.S. of Agroforestry Engineering in Palencia (University of Valladolid). Spain.

Juan Carlos Rivas González. Telecommunication Technical Engineer. Programmer and computer technician. E.T.S. of Agroforestry Engineering in Palencia (University of Valladolid). Spain.

Juan Carlos Rivas González


- Yukiko Kato

- Jorge García Molinos

- Mauricio Lemus Vera

- Roger García Lenberg

  Water harvesting